Dramatically improve your commute
Convenient carpools with co-workers and neighbors

What is Swish?

Here’s how it works

Be Part of the Community

Download and meet Swish carpoolers who are heading the same way. Get free Carpool Credits when you choose Scoop.

Schedule a Carpool

Separate AM and PM trips to fit your unpredictable work schedule. Ride or drive to meet your daily needs.

Get Matched

Scoop’s algorithm identifies the most efficient trip based on the fastest route, nearby carpoolers, carpool lanes, and more.

Enjoy a Smooth Commute

Meet new people, have more energy every day, and make the most of your time.

Why Carpoolers Choose Swish

The Scoop Experience


Vehicle history checks on every Driver. Feedback on every trip.


With a guaranteed ride home, you can rely on Scoop every day.


Door-to-door pickups, efficient routes, and payment right in the app.

Scoop For Enterprise

Do you represent Human Resources or Facilities? With the Managed Carpool Program, any employer can implement an impactful commute solution for their company.

Dramatically improve your commute. Download now.

Our Amazing Team

Kay Garland

Lead Designer

Larry Parker

Lead Marketer

Diana Pertersen

Lead Developer

Contact Us